History of the Citroën Mehari

The Citroën Méhari was manufactured between 1968 and 1988. It is based on the chassis and engine of the Citroën 2CV, with bodywork made from ABS plastic. In total, around 140,000 Meharis were produced.

There was one version with front-wheel drive and another with four-wheel drive. The car was particularly popular in France, but less so in Belgium and the Netherlands – probably because the weather is not so good.

The name refers to the word “méhariste”, a French colonial soldier in Algeria who rode a camel.

The Mehari is striking for its usually bright colours: Hopi (red), Tibesti (green), Montana (green), Kirghiz (orange), Kalahari (beige), Hoggar (beige), Atacama (yellow), Azur (white and blue). The Mehari came out originally in these colours, but of course you can always spec the car with your own “design”.

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