Converting a Citroën HY
Currently, the Citroën HY is much sought after as an advertising or vending vehicle. Demand for this classic is greater than supply and if you find a Citroën HY, a great deal of work is often required to convert it into a genuine promotional vehicle.
We have already converted a number of Citroën HYs at the 2CV Mehari Factory. Some of them went on to new lives as campers and so had to be reliable and rust-free, with an empty rear compartment so that the owners themselves could convert them and build in all the required comfort.
We have also produced a number of Foodtrucks. Usually we begin with an HY in “original condition”, which means that the bodywork has never been taken care of. We listen to your wishes in relation to building in or adding certain items (sales window flap, refrigerators, etc.)
Then we carry out the restoration in various stages, taking the sequence of the conversion into account. Usually building in fridges has to come first before the electrics are finished. This is to avoid doubling up on the work. This means that good communication between our client and partners is essential.
Planning to embark on a project like this? Be sure to make an appointment with us so that we can discuss the possibilities!
Below is a photo of one of our latest projects for “La cantine du Roi”.
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